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DUI Monitoring Device Driving Permit

Monitoring Device Driving Permit

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A first-time DUI offender in Chicago may be eligible to seek relief during his or her Statutory Summary Suspension (SSS) after the 31st day from the date that the license suspension went into effect. With a Monitoring Device Driving Permit (MDDP), you will be able to drive during your suspension as long as your car is properly equipped with a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID). This breath test device is installed in a vehicle and will not allow the car to start unless the driver submits a breath sample that is free from alcohol. The device may require additional samples at later times while the vehicle is in motion.

Losing your license is a serious matter, but a MDDP can provide much-needed relief. Sami can help you apply for a MDDP and can help you understand more about this important topic. Sami will also help you fight your drunk driving charges early on in order to avoid a conviction and license suspension.

Free Consultation with a Chicago DUI Lawyer

If you have questions regarding your DUI defense, contact us today for a free consultation at (312) 626-2871 or (847) 255-2100, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.