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Month: September 2024

Sep. 13 2024

Your Rights When Held Without Charges in Illinois

Man with handcuffs in interrogation room.
Posted By: azhari dev

In Illinois, knowing your rights when being held without charges is key to protecting your rights. Whether you are under arrest or just detained, knowing what the law says and what it doesn’t will help you in these situations. This article will outline your rights when held without charges in [...]
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Sep. 9 2024

What Happens If You Violate Felony Probation in Illinois?

A lawyer holding keys to a pair of handcuffs after his client has just been released.
Posted By: azhari dev

Felony probation is an alternative to prison, where you serve your time in the community under certain conditions. But if you violate those conditions, you can face serious consequences, including prison time. Knowing what happens if you violate felony probation in Illinois is important if you are [...]
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Sep. 6 2024

What Constitutes Revenge Porn Under Illinois Law?

Judge Pronouncing Sentence, striking Gavel. Focus on Mallet, Hammer.
Posted By: azhari dev

Revenge porn, the non-consensual distribution of intimate images or videos, is a serious crime in Illinois. Sharing private, sexually explicit content of someone without their consent, usually to harm, embarrass, or get revenge on the victim. Illinois takes privacy seriously, with laws designed to [...]
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Sep. 4 2024

How to Use Character Witnesses to Defend Against Domestic Violence Charges

Male Public Defender Presenting Case, Making Passionate Speech to Judge, Jury.
Posted By: azhari dev

When you’re facing domestic violence charges, the stakes are high. A conviction can mean serious legal consequences and personal repercussions. One way to defend against these charges is to use character witnesses. Character witnesses can testify about your character and challenge the [...]
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