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Aug. 29 2019

Could Your Child Be Charged in Adult Criminal Court in Illinois?

Posted By: Sami Azhari

Could Your Child Be Charged in Adult Criminal Court in Illinois?In most cases, minors under the age of 18 are not legally considered to be adults. However, under Illinois law, some juvenile defendants can be prosecuted as adults and receive adult sentences if convicted.

It is relatively rare for a …

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Aug. 23 2019

Yes, False Allegations of Domestic Violence Really Do Happen in IL

Posted By: Sami Azhari

Yes, False Allegations of Domestic Violence Really Do Happen in IL

Most allegations of domestic violence are genuine, and domestic abuse is statistically an underreported offense. However, false allegations can and do happen on occasion.

While domestic violence should never be tolerated, falsely accusing someone is unacceptable, too. False domestic violence …

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Aug. 7 2019

Epstein, R. Kelly Cases Shine a Light on Illinois Sex Trafficking

Posted By: Sami Azhari

Epstein, R. Kelly Cases Shine a Light on Illinois Sex Trafficking

The Me Too Movement has paved the way for a number of powerful men being charged with sex crimes and sexual misconduct. The greatest public awareness began with the Weinstein story which broke in October 2017 and has culminated in …

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Jul. 31 2019

The Real Differences between Robbery and Armed Robbery Charges in IL

Posted By: Sami Azhari

The Real Differences between Robbery and Armed Robbery Charges in IL

Regardless of the degree of offense, robbery is always classified as a felony and almost always carries some amount of jail time. Should your charges escalate to armed or aggravated robbery, you can bet on more than doubling your prison …

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Jul. 26 2019

Everything You Need to Know about Drug-Free Zones in Illinois

Posted By: Sami Azhari

Drug-free zone laws enhance criminal penalties for drug crimes committed near places frequented by children like public schools and parks. The idea is to keep drugs and the violence, theft, and prostitution crime often associated away from children.

Although the …

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Jul. 18 2019

What to Know about the Federal Criminal Appeals Process

Posted By: Sami Azhari

What to Know about the Federal Criminal Appeals Process

Were you convicted of a crime in federal trial court?

Do you disagree with the decision?

If you were…and you don’t, you have the right to request your case be reviewed again. This is known as an appeal, and your …

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Jul. 11 2019

Got an Illinois DUI over the 4th? You Can Fight Back

Posted By: Sami Azhari

Got an Illinois DUI over the 4th? You Can Fight Back

The Fourth of July is the deadliest holiday of the year for drunk driving. So you can count on police being out full-force to catch drunk drivers in all 50 states, including Illinois.

Every Fourth of July, police increase patrol …

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Jul. 11 2019

As Chicago Shootings Continue, What You Should Know about Gun Charges

Posted By: Sami Azhari

As Chicago Shootings Continue, What You Should Know about Gun Charges

Despite tight gun control laws, Chicago is notorious for its gun violence problem, and the issue appears to be escalating.

For instance in a single weekend, six victims died of 28 total people shot recently in the city. Among the …

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Jul. 3 2019

Molested By a Member of the Clergy in IL? You Can Get Justice

Posted By: Sami Azhari

In recent years, we’ve come to recognize the rampant problem of child sexual abuse by members of the clergy, and Chicago isn’t immune from this scandal.

Attorneys for clergy sexual abuse victims recently released a report detailing all priests and …

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Jun. 20 2019

Illinois Shoplifting Penalties Might Be Eased – How Bad Are They Now?

Posted By: Sami Azhari

Shoplifting is a common criminal offense, and many states consider it a relatively minor transgression. However, in Illinois, the infraction is met with stiff criminal penalties. In fact, this state’s shoplifting laws are some of the toughest in the nation.…

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