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Criminal Law

Jul. 24 2020

How Is It Public Indecency When I’m Inside My Own Home in Chicago?

How Is It Public Indecency When I'm Inside My Own Home in Chicago?
Posted By: Sami Azhari

Your home is supposedly your castle - it’s the place where you can do whatever you want. It’s one of the only places that you can wander around dressed - or undressed - however you please, right? Well, not quite. Recently, a man has been declared wanted for being naked in his own [...]
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Jul. 17 2020

Criminal Mischief Becomes a Hate Crime for Illinois Man

Criminal Mischief Becomes a Hate Crime for Illinois Man
Posted By: Sami Azhari

Race relations have come to the forefront of the American consciousness with the current wave of protests. As a result, hate crimes are coming to the forefront of the news cycle. Many people are discovering that “hate crime” is a broader term than they had previously understood. That’s [...]
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Feb. 14 2020

Former IL Senator Guilty of Tax Evasion – Don’t Make the Same Mistake

Tax evasion
Posted By: Sami Azhari

Tax evasion is often associated with shady businesses, practices or individuals, and rightfully so. You’ve heard the phrase quite a bit recently: “No one is above the law.” That includes prominent figures in society and their responsibility for following the laws surrounding tax [...]
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Nov. 22 2019

Did You Get an Illinois DUI over Halloween? You Can Fight Back

Pumpkins with lights inside them
Posted By: Sami Azhari

Halloween fun isn’t just for children. You’ve likely had your fair share of Halloween celebrating during this festive season over the years. You also probably know alcohol or drugs are common at these parties. Police are aware of this, too. It’s evident by the number of DUI (or Driving [...]
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Jul. 18 2019

What to Know about the Federal Criminal Appeals Process

What to Know about the Federal Criminal Appeals Process
Posted By: Sami Azhari

Were you convicted of a crime in federal trial court? Do you disagree with the decision? If you were...and you don’t, you have the right to request your case be reviewed again. This is known as an appeal, and your request is submitted to an “appellate” court. The appeals process [...]
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Jul. 11 2019

Got an Illinois DUI over the 4th? You Can Fight Back

Got an Illinois DUI over the 4th? You Can Fight Back
Posted By: Sami Azhari

The Fourth of July is the deadliest holiday of the year for drunk driving. So you can count on police being out full-force to catch drunk drivers in all 50 states, including Illinois. Every Fourth of July, police increase patrol teams to catch drunk drivers, and often employ DUI checkpoints [...]
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Apr. 5 2019

Your Guide to Revenge Porn Laws in Illinois

Your Guide to Revenge Porn Laws in Illinois
Posted By: Sami Azhari

Revenge porn, or the distribution of sexually explicit images or videos without the subject’s consent, has been recognized as a criminal offense in Illinois since 2014. Many times, an explicit photo or image is sent consensually in the course of a romantic relationship, and then exploited [...]
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Oct. 12 2018

How Does Sexual Assault Become Aggravated in Illinois?

How Does Sexual Assault Become Aggravated in Illinois?
Posted By: Sami Azhari

Sexual assault is an incredibly serious crime in Illinois, but it can be elevated to the even more serious crime of aggravated sexual assault when certain conditions are present. In this post, we are going to detail the differences between the two crimes and what you can do to protect your [...]
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Sep. 27 2018

Mandatory Minimums: What are They and Which Federal Crimes Have Them?

Mandatory Minimums: What are They and Which Federal Crimes Have Them?
Posted By: Sami Azhari

If you are facing federal crime charges, you need to understand mandatory minimums and how they might affect you. In this post, we’ll describe what mandatory minimums are and which federal charges come with them. Mandatory Minimum Prison Sentences The federal government issues mandatory [...]
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Sep. 13 2018

Do You Have to Take a Field Sobriety Test in Illinois?

Do You Have to Take a Field Sobriety Test in Illinois?
Posted By: Sami Azhari

We are regularly asked about the laws surrounding field sobriety testing in Illinois, and whether individuals are required to submit to field sobriety testing. The short answer is no -- but it’s important to fully understand the process of a drunk driving traffic stop and arrest, and to know [...]
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