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Aug. 16 2018

What You Should Know about Shoplifting Charges in Illinois

What You Should Know about Shoplifting Charges in Illinois
Posted By: Sami Azhari

Shoplifting seems like a relatively minor crime without serious criminal consequence, but this is often not the case. Because shoplifting is a leading cause of financial loss for most retailers, more and more merchants have begun to prosecute even relatively minor shoplifting offenses, and the [...]
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Jul. 27 2018

What Separates Robbery from Burglary and Theft in Illinois?

What Separates Robbery from Burglary and Theft in Illinois?
Posted By: Sami Azhari

Most people think of robbery, burglary, and theft as one crime. However, the laws of Illinois make distinctions between all three offenses. In this post, we’ll detail the differences for you and let you know how an experienced Illinois criminal attorney can help you with your charges. Theft [...]
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Oct. 20 2017

Know Your Rights in Illinois When Accused of Shoplifting

Know Your Rights in Illinois When Accused of Shoplifting
Posted By: Sami Azhari

Shoplifting is often seen as a small crime, but a shoplifting accusation can have big consequences. For that reason, it’s important to understand the shoplifting laws here in Illinois and to know your rights if you’re facing a shoplifting allegation. What Is Shoplifting in [...]
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Mar. 21 2017

When Is Theft a Federal Crime?

When Is Theft a Federal Crime
Posted By: Sami Azhari

Stealing doesn’t seem like it should be a federal crime. After all, why should the feds get involved if someone rips off a Walmart or takes another person’s car? It is true that, for the most part, the feds don’t get involved with those types of theft cases – though they can if they [...]
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Dec. 21 2016

Simple Package Theft Leads to Felony Charge in Illinois

Simple Package Theft Leads to Felony Charge in Illinois
Posted By: Sami Azhari

This is the biggest time of the year for shipping and delivering packages as online shopping becoming the new way to get all of your holiday shopping done in one sitting. With so many unattended packages sitting out on doorsteps – often for hours at a time – the temptation to steal them [...]
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Dec. 1 2016

Do You Literally HAVE to Steal? Kleptomania and Other Theft Defenses

Literally Have to Steal - Kleptomania and Other Theft Defenses
Posted By: Sami Azhari

Let’s face it: everyone has had the temptation to steal from time to time. Maybe you were eyeing a sought-after item that you couldn’t afford. Or your friends were pressuring you to steal and “be cool.” Or you were seeking a thrill. Maybe you really, truly needed the item. Whatever [...]
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